Saturday, May 19, 2012

Time for a catch up

Now that the mad rush of Christmas has passed and we are starting to return to normal I thought it was time to catch up on the last few months. After my trip to France in July we got stuck into a major overhaul of our boat Magic.
With  the help of Jim and Gail we stripped the hull back to bare wood! no easy task with 35 years of paint and antifoul to remove..long days sanding,filling and painting paid off as we have ended up with a boat to be proud of.
I replaced all the thru the hull fittings,seals and fittings at the same time.I must acknowledge the efforts of jim and gail during this time,who both  worked on the boat with us  every day for 4 weeks with out a day off.,thanks guys.
The weather was not kind to us over our nz summer and strong winds meant we only got out a few times to enjoy our boat.

Although we never went hungry

In february we had a quick trip to melbourne to attend the wedding of our nephew Bevan to the marvelous Emma

After 5 years of owning the beemer i decided it was time for a change so this is the new bike.
It's a triumph America and im having so much fun riding it. smooth,light and easy to handle.

We just got back from a week on the gold coast. went and did the theme parks etc.warm weather and nice surroundings gave us a nice break.

I have still managed to get a bit of time out on the bike as time allows although the motivation levels are not as great as the years im training for the tour.roll on 2013!

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